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Emergency Plumbing Ashburn VA

4 Signs of a Plumbing Emergency

The symptoms of a plumbing emergency in your home include low water pressure from faucets, a lack of hot water, and the sound of running water when no taps are open. If you notice these signs or other odd changes to your water supply or temperature, reach out to a qualified emergency plumbing service with years of experience under its belt. 

R.A. Dobson is a top plumbing and HVAC service with over 45 years of industry experience that operates in Ashburn, VA, and Northern Virginia. Our team of veteran technicians will repair your home’s most important utilities, including heating, air conditioning, electrical, and plumbing. If you notice any issues with your home’s air or water quality, contact R.A. Dobson to find out what we can do for you. 

Here, we describe 4 signs that your home has a plumbing emergency: 

  1. Low Water Pressure

Reduced water pressure from faucets is a concerning sign. However, whether it requires emergency plumbing assistance depends on the number of outlets experiencing the issue. If one faucet has low pressure, it’s likely a localized problem with the plumbing or drainage in that particular spot. 

However, if multiple faucets have lost water pressure, the issue may lie in your water main, supply line, or another major component of your home’s plumbing system. If you have several faucets with low water pressure, call a swift emergency plumbing service like R.A. Dobson.

  1. Standing Water

The appearance of standing water is another problematic sign for your home’s water system. Puddles often indicate a serious leak coming from either appliances—dishwasher, refrigerator, sink, etc.—or a portion of your home’s plumbing. 

If unaddressed, standing water can cause not just severe damage but also the growth of dangerous mold and bacteria. These, in turn, bring health and safety concerns into your home. 

If you see standing water and cannot identify its source, talk to an emergency plumbing specialist from R.A. Dobson. We can solve the issue and ensure your home is free of any potential plumbing issues. 

  1. No Warm Water
Emergency Plumbing Ashburn VA

A lack of warm water can also indicate a major issue with your water system. For instance, it may be a sign that your water heater system is malfunctioning. On the other hand, if it occurs suddenly, then the issue may lie in your water heater tank. Cold water in your tank gets distributed throughout your home.

If your water has grown cold over time, your water heater tank may have a leak, which would spill the hot water rather than distribute it throughout your home. Call R.A. Dobson when you need a plumber to help with emergency plumbing repairs and maintenance. 

  1. Running Water Sounds

The sound of running water when no of your faucets are open constitutes a sure sign of a plumbing emergency. The most likely culprit is a burst water pipe somewhere within your home—a consistent winter plumbing issue for many homes. 

A burst pipe must be taken care of immediately by an emergency plumbing professional to prevent water damage to your house. If left unaddressed, it can increase the cost of your water bills due to the overwhelming amount of leakage. 

R.A. Dobson: Reliable Emergency Plumbing in Ashburn, VA

R.A. Dobson is a top plumbing and HVAC service company operating in Ashburn, VA, that serves home and business owners throughout Northern Virginia. Our technicians have sharpened their skills throughout our 45 years in the industry. We not only perform high-quality emergency plumbing services but also install and repair heating, cooling, and more systems. Contact us today at (703) 481-3700 and find out how we can help you maintain your home’s utilities.

Smoke Near An Ashburn VA Home That May Need Quality Air Cleaning Services

The Effects of Humid/Poor Indoor Air

Some effects of highly humid and poor air quality are dizziness, fatigue, irritated lungs, nose, and throat; coughing, wheezing, and other cold and flu-like symptoms. Of course, there are more serious effects and illnesses that can occur over time if your poor air quality isn’t addressed in time. A good start would be to work with a quality air cleaning service to clear out your ventilation system in order to improve the quality of the air flowing through them. 

RA Dobson is an established heating, cooling, and plumbing service provider that has worked throughout Ashburn, VA, for over 40 years. These decades of service assure our team’s skills in HVAC and plumbing installation, maintenance, and repair. In addition, we provide high-quality home appliances that are lasting and affordable to all our customers. If you are in need of a better heating, cooling, or plumbing system, talk to us at RA Dobson

Below, we discuss the effects humid and poor quality indoor air has on inhabitants and how we can help eliminate them: 

How Humid Air Can Affect Your Health

Humidity has several direct and indirect effects on indoor air quality, as well as on a person’s individual health over a long period of time. Firstly, a long period of humidity, combined with high temperatures, can cause the body to overheat, which could lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke. This is because high humidity hinders the sweat from your body from properly evaporating so that your body temperature can cool down.

Additionally, humid environments support the growth of mold, mildew, and fungi, which can cause serious respiratory problems if left unaddressed for too long. High humidity keeps germs, bacteria, and other contaminants in the air longer than in dry air environments, making it easier for them to spread indoors. Excessive humidity can damage your family’s health, so make sure you hire an indoor air improvement expert to resolve it as soon as possible.  

How Poor Quality Indoor Air Can Affect Your Health

Poor-quality indoor air is produced from a wide variety of sources—both from within your home and outside of it. Some are natural pollutants, while others are the byproducts of chemicals and functioning appliances. Some influences on indoor air quality include: 

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Paint
  • Insect-repellent or insecticide products 
  • Cigarette smoke 
  • Carbon monoxide from heating elements (i.e. water heater or furnace)
  • Pet dander 
  • Radon

On the other hand, there are also a few outdoor influences on indoor air quality, such as: 

  • Remnant smoke from a burning fireplace 
  • Pollen 
  • Mold/Fungi spores 

All of these different sources, one way or another, enter your ventilation system and move through your home, gradually affecting you and your loved ones’ health over time. Some of these health effects can be minor, including:

  • Irritated throat, nose, and eyes
  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue 
  • Dizziness or light-headedness 

However, these effects can end up developing more serious conditions, such as: 

  • Asthma 
  • Heart disease 
  • Respiratory disease 
  • Cancer

All of these issues mentioned above have been found to have strong connections to spending extensive amounts of time in buildings and indoor spaces with poor indoor air quality. Thus, while its effects are subtle and gradual, maintaining healthy indoor air quality in your home is vital to the safety and wellness of you and your family. 

What RA Dobson Can Do to Help

As a well-established and highly-experienced HVAC company, RA Dobson is well-versed in helping residents and businesses take care of their indoor air quality. Our team provides detailed indoor air evaluations, inspecting our customers’ homes thoroughly to discover, and resolve every influencing factor on air quality. We also provide home and workplace services, such as: 

  • Regular scheduled maintenance on your HVAC system to make it more effective and efficient, improving indoor air quality. 

RA Dobson: The Best Air Cleaning Service in Ashburn, Virginia 

Indoor air quality has a subtle but significant influence on the health of individuals, families, and employees, as most Americans spend far more time indoors than outdoors. Thus, in order to prevent the potential outcomes of poor indoor air quality, it’s important to find a reputable air cleaning service to work with, like RA Dobson. Across Ashburn, Virginia, we’ve helped residential and commercial customers keep their air clean, comfortable, and efficient through top-of-the-line HVAC products and excellent installation and maintenance. Contact us at (703) 481-3700 to learn more and get a free estimate on duct cleaning and air purifier installation today.   

Ashburn VA Building Ductwork and Ventilation That May Need top HVAC Repair Services

HVAC Awareness: Parts & Their Lifespans

Homeowners who have a malfunctioning HVAC system should research it and determine whether a professional HVAC repair or replacement offers better value. While the lifespan of any given part depends on its system’s type, daily usage, and maintenance, the industry has some general guidelines. For instance, compressors typically last between 10-15 years, furnaces 16-20 years, and window units 8-10 years (most models last 2-5 more years if maintained).

For all your HVAC questions, repairs, and installations, reach out to RA Dobson. We are the Ashburn, VA, region’s provider of heating, cooling, and plumbing services. A second-generation family business with over 45 years of industry experience, we have a deep connection to our community and customers. Our team offers a wide range of services that includes heat pump installation, duct cleaning, thermostat repair, and more. To learn more or get a free estimate, contact us today.

Below, we outline HVAC system types, parts, and their expected lifespans:

Air Conditioner Components

All home HVAC systems operate by exchanging interior and exterior air. The air conditioning function, in particular, is designed to pull warm air from inside and release it outside. It does so using the following parts: 

  • Evaporator – housed within the interior-facing portion of the unit, the evaporator cools indoor air using a copper tubing coil and aluminum fins.
  • Condenser – also made of a copper tubing coil, the exterior-facing condenser releases the unit’s collected heat outside.
  • Compressor – a pump that moves refrigerant fluid between the evaporator and condenser as well as their copper tubing.
  • Refrigerant fluid – a liquid pumped into the evaporator, where it pulls heat from the interior air by evaporating, to the condenser, where it releases heat and reverts back to a liquid.

Heating Components

In addition to their cooling capacities, many HVAC systems include heating functionality. Heating applies the air transfer principle, outlined above, in reverse: warm air is pulled from outside and released inside. However, when outdoor air becomes colder than the indoors, the HVAC system warms incoming air using one of two devices: 

  • Furnace – using natural gas, oil, or electricity, furnaces heat the air from outside then release it into ductwork that distributes it throughout a structure.
  • Boiler – instead of heating air, boilers heat water into steam that then warms the interior.

Heat pumps and geothermal heating systems are also used in homes, but they are far less common than furnaces and boilers.

HVAC repair in Ashburn VA

The Lifespan of HVAC Systems & Parts

So, how long do all these systems (and their components) last? As mentioned above, the lifespan of each depends on its system’s daily usage and design. However, the following guidelines can give you a sense of their endurance: 

  • Central HVAC – the “traditional” form of heating and cooling, central HVAC systems combine heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) functionalities. Each element of these systems has a different lifespan: furnaces tend to last 16-20 years while central air conditioners last 12-15. On the other hand, boilers last 10-15 years.
  • Air conditioning window units – estimates for window unit lifespans vary widely. Some sources place it at an average of 10 years while others 8 years. However, all agree that you can extend your unit’s life with regular maintenance.
  • Air conditioner parts – on top of unit lifespans, individual parts in air conditioners can fail. Compressors, for instance, last between 10-15 years. However, this means that you can replace a part without replacing the whole unit.

HVAC Repair and Maintenance Services Available in Ashburn, VA

While HVAC systems come in many types that contain myriad components, learning about them pays off. You’ll know when to call for HVAC repair services and when you need a full HVAC system replacement. No matter the situation, turn to RA Dobson for all your home services needs. We specialize in heating, air conditioning, and plumbing services but also offer support with generators, humidifiers, and more. We’ve served the Ashburn, VA, area for 45 years, and we look forward to continuing our relationship with this community. For more information or to schedule a service, call us today at (703) 481-3700 or fill out our online form.

How Best To Keep Your Home Warm

As summer ends and the football season kicks off, stop and consider whether you’ll be comfortable during the upcoming winter. How warm has your home been in past winters? Did you pay outrageous energy bills? If you want to improve your home’s heating and/or cut costs, try making use of natural light, purchasing a smart or programmable thermostat, and getting a professional heat pump installation.

Homeowners throughout Sterling, VA, and the surrounding region can turn to RA Dobson for all their heating and cooling needs. We are a family-owned and operated business that aims to provide outstanding services at reasonable rates. Along with heating and cooling, we offer plumbing, generator, humidifier, air quality, water heater, and additional services. Visit our website today to get exclusive coupons and fill out a free estimate request form.

Below, we list several suggestions for warming your home this winter:

  1. Let In Sunlight

Our first suggestion is also our simplest: open your curtains to let in sunlight. Although winter brings the shortest days of the year, it still provides natural light that we can use. Sunlight is free and boosts mental health, helping people to stay positive during cold weather. However, close your curtains at night—doing so insulates your home from any cold air that could leak through your windows.

  1. Upgrade Your Thermostat

When they go to bed at night, many people turn down their home’s thermostat to save money on energy use. However, those with a traditional thermostat tend to crank their heat the following morning in the hopes of quickly making their interiors warm again.

The problem with this approach is that systems heat up at the same rate no matter what you set the thermostat to. Cranking the heat up high fails to speed the process—instead, the heater must keep working until it reaches that high temperature. 

However, if you invest in a smart or programmable thermostat, it can switch your heat on while you’re in bed. By the time you get up, your indoor climate can already be warm. Plus, you can adjust the level as you see fit–no more cranking the heat and hoping for quick results.

  1. Move Your Furniture

Another simple suggestion? Move your sofa (or other furniture) away from your radiator or baseboard heaters. Many people place furniture near these outlets so they can enjoy their warmth while seated. However, the furniture itself absorbs heat and blocks the free movement of warm air. Shifting furniture away from the outlets allows heat to circulate through the air.

  1. Install a Heat Pump System

Home interior technology has long moved past fireplaces and traditional boiler systems. While those may still suit some folks, you can get more heat for less money with new options. In particular, the RA Dobson team suggests that you purchase a heat pump system.

We’ve discussed the benefits of heat pumps at length: extraordinary energy efficiency, alternative energy options, and practical applications. Best of all, they can also cool a hot house during the summer months by removing warm air from its interior.

  1. Turn Down the Dial

Stay warm by decreasing your indoor heat? Yes, you can remain comfortable and save money by doing so. Lowering your thermostat just a single degree below your normal setting can create great savings over time. Moreover, your body can adjust to the shift adeptly. Indeed, you may tolerate your cooler nighttime climate better  thanks to a lessened daytime one.

  1. Upgrade Your System

If you’ve had your heating system for more than 10 years, it’s time to start shopping for a replacement. With careful maintenance, a system can last a few years longer, but those with age start losing efficiency and effectiveness. If you’re unsure of your system’s age, search its serial number online. 

We’ve previously discussed the warning signs that your furnace needs replacement. However, your best option is to speak with an expert—reach out to us for a professional inspection today.

  1. Schedule Routine Maintenance

More than anything else, you can best keep your home warm this winter by scheduling routine maintenance with RA Dobson. Maintenance checks allow our technicians to not only repair your heating system but also check external elements that affect its performance.

“External elements” may include your home insulation’s effectiveness, your water tank’s functioning, and your home’s draftiness. These factors can influence your perception of the heat in your home, so share your concerns about them with us.

Professional Heat Pump Installation for Sterling, VA, Residents

Before the fall holidays officially kick off and take over your schedule, give a thought to the state of your home’s heating system. Could a professional heat pump installation help keep your home warm? Would it cut back on energy costs? Reach out to RA Dobson for more information about interiors and heat pumps. We are the Sterling, VA, region’s service provider of heating and cooling maintenance as well as plumbing, generator, humidifier, and more services. Call us today at (703) 481-3700 or visit our website and fill out our contact form for more information.

4 Important Plumbing Tips to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Winter weather can cause major problems for your plumbing system, so get proactive and start preparing for the season. Basic steps like shutting off your outdoor water and sprinkler systems ensure that your plumbing keeps functioning. Additionally, you should knock out any plumbing installation services that you need before the upcoming winter. 

RA Dobson is among the top indoor-air comfort providers in Northern Virginia. We offer numerous services to both homeowners and businesses throughout the area. Our company has operated for over 45 years, so our team has the experience and knowledge necessary to fulfill nearly any plumbing, heating, and cooling needs you may have. We work year-round and will respond to any emergency needs that may arise.

Below, we provide a few tips to prepare your plumbing and water system for the upcoming winter:   

  1. Shut Off The Outdoor Water

One of the most important things you can do before winter comes is shut off the water lines to your outdoor water system. These may include spigots for hoses, your irrigation system, or any other water features. 

When water lines are left open, water sits in their pipes, which may freeze and potentially crack the pipes, causing leaks or burst pipes. After shutting off the water lines for outdoor faucets, open the faucet valves to flush out any excess water.

  1. Insulate Your Pipes

We also recommend getting your indoor pipes insulated, particularly those exposed in unheated areas such as your garage, attic, or basement. Though it may seem like a stretch to do this, it is a useful way to keep your home water system working efficiently through the winter.

Temperature radiates through objects, and in this case, cold temperatures will transfer from outside to inside through your pipes. Insulating them helps counter this effect and ensures your home and water system remain intact throughout the winter. 

It also ensures that your water heater doesn’t have to work extra hard to produce warm water for your home when you need it. This can end up providing you with the benefit of having lower energy costs than usual during the winter months. With a professional plumbing installation, you’ll get perfectly insulated pipes before winter comes.

  1. Check & Reseal Rim Joists

Another way to keep the cold out is to make sure any openings around your pipes are properly sealed. There will usually be a pipe leading out of the room or outside your home. 

Additionally, check every nook and cranny for any wires, cables, and additional pipes that lead outside your home. Make sure they are sealed up and insulated to fully prevent air leakages.  

Of course, it’s difficult to do this unless you know where to look, which is why many work with home service professionals like RA Dobson.  

  1. Leave Sink Cabinet Doors Open

Finally, one effective way to keep your kitchen or bathroom water from freezing over is to open up the sink’s cabinet doors. The water and drainage pipes within those cabinets may never receive any warmth emitted from your home’s heating system. After all, they’re covered up by the cabinet doors. 

Opening them up helps regulate the temperature of your pipes to that within the rest of your house, ensuring they don’t freeze over and work effectively throughout the winter. 

RA Dobson: Expert Plumbing Installation in Northern Virginia

Those are just some of the things you can do to keep your home plumbing system intact through the winter. Furthermore, you should also have any prominent plumbing installation or repair services performed before winter weather sets in. Therefore, look for an established home appliance company like RA Dobson to help you maintain your plumbing, heating, and cooling. With over 45 years in business, our team knows what it takes to provide the best service for all your needs. Contact us at (703) 481-3700 to learn more about our services and get a free estimate.

Sump pump

Water Damage Prevention: The Sump Pump Solution

For people seeking to protect the structural integrity of their homes and businesses, sump pump systems have become a staple. These systems prevent excess water from flooding low-lying areas of a structure—a basement, crawlspace, or otherwise. No matter what, ensure you get the best sump pump installation possible by contacting a top-notch sump pump service provider. 

Throughout Potomac Falls, VA, and Northern Virginia, R.A. Dobson is the most experienced and qualified sump pump company. We have worked for over 45 years to help our clients maintain their homes’ plumbing, heating, cooling, and drainage. Our expert team can handle any repair, maintenance, or installation job you need. If you are looking for a sump pump or similar plumbing service, call R.A. Dobson

Below, we discuss how sump pumps prevent water damage:    

What is a Sump Pump?

A sump pump consists of a small motor pump placed inside a cylindrical pit—usually at the lowest point of a basement or crawlspace. From there, it collects and pumps out the water that drains to it. Water may come from cracks in your foundation walls and floor, among other sources. 

Additionally, a pipe connects to the pit, which drains water away from your home, usually at a point far enough so that the water can’t return to your foundation. With an effective sump pump system, your home will have ample protection from the damaging effects of floods and storms.   

How a Sump Pump Prevents Water Damage

Primarily, the main function of the sump pump is to avoid any risk of a basement flood in your home. This prevents your carpets, walls, and valuable items left down there from getting wet. 

If they were affected by indoor flooding, it can lead to all kinds of damage and resultant expenses to replace or repair. In addition, sump pumps prevent another serious form of water damage: mold and mildew

These grow over time under damp and humid conditions, which do develop within basements unequipped with sump pumps and have bad ventilation. Depending on what you have stored down there, mold can eat away your valuables, deteriorating them. 

It can also render your basement uninhabitable, requiring you to pay large sums to get rid of it before it can be used or lived in once again. Furthermore, mold can irritate respiratory conditions and, in some cases, cause inhabitants to develop them. A sump pump can go a long way to protect your home and your loved ones.   

R.A. Dobson: High-Quality Sump Pump Installation in Potomac Falls, VA 

R.A. Dobson offers the finest plumbing, heating, and cooling services in the Potomac Falls, VA area. We are dedicated to ensuring our fellow Virginians get the best protection from water damage, poor indoor air, and more, which is why our services cover installations, repairs, and maintenance, including excellent sump pump installations. If you are seeing issues with your home’s various air or water systems, consider calling on R.A. Dobson. Contact us at (703) 481-3700 to learn what we can do for you and get a free sump pump installation estimate today!

HVAC air filter

How Often Do You Need to Change Your HVAC Filters?

Air filters are a significant but often overlooked aspect of your HVAC system. They affect the quality of the air flowing through your home, as well as the long-term integrity of the system itself. Thus, you should know when to have them changed and why it’s necessary. However, if you notice that your HVAC system isn’t functioning at its best, even if you change the filters regularly, consider scheduling a professional HVAC inspection to diagnose the issue.

R.A. Dobson has performed regular HVAC maintenance, inspection, and repair services to customers throughout Sterling, VA, for over 45 years. Our team of experienced and certified experts work hard to provide the solutions you need with the best service possible. If you are experiencing a problem with your system, reach out to our team of seasoned HVAC technicians. 

Below, we discuss when you should change your HVAC filters and why it benefits you and your home: 

When You Need To Change Your HVAC Filters

Your HVAC system’s air filters are vital to maintaining its lifespan, as well as your home’s indoor air quality. How frequently you change your filters varies on several different factors. These include: 

  • Home size – Larger homes circulate larger amounts of air, which means the filters may need to be changed more frequently.
  • Number of pets – Indoor pets shed and track dirt into your house, so you’ll need to change your air filters more frequently to keep them clear of hair and dander. 

In the end, the more variables that create or bring in pollutants into your home, the faster your HVAC’s air filters will trap them and clog up, requiring you to replace them sooner than later.

Generally, an HVAC filter should be replaced every 90 days or less in order to ensure adequate indoor air quality. This of course depends on the factors mentioned above, as well as the quality of air filter you install. 

Cheaper fiberglass filters may need frequent replacements within a single month, while more expensive pleated filters can last well within 90 days. Consider the factors and your budget in purchasing the right filter and you’ll receive the best value and benefits from it.    

Benefits of Regularly Changing Your Air Filter

Replacing your filters consistently provides you with several benefits that you will benefit from in the long run. Here’s a few of them to consider:

  • Consistently High Home Air Quality – Air filters block allergens and pollutants that cause breathing problems and irritation to individuals with sensitive sinuses and lungs. Having good home air quality means you and your family are safer and healthier in your home. 
  • Greater Energy Efficiency – HVAC systems take up a lot of power in your home, especially during the winter and summer months. Clogged filters make your system work twice as hard to keep your home at the desired temperature. However, regular replacement keeps your system running smoothly and efficiently. 
  • Longer System Lifespan – Let’s not forget that better efficiency and function means less wear and tear on your HVAC system, ensuring it lasts for years to come.

R.A. Dobson, Inc: Quality HVAC Inspection in Sterling, VA 

Along with changing your  HVAC filters, your HVAC system should also be regularly serviced. Both actions ensure you and your home benefit from it, experiencing years of clean air and efficient power use. R.A. Dobson is dedicated to providing customers throughout Sterling, VA, with professional HVAC inspection services, as well as plumbing, heating, and additional home appliance installation and repair services. We are a seasoned team of professionals ready and prepared to help you improve your home and keep its various appliances running for years to come. Contact us today at (703) 481-3700 to learn more about our services and get a free HVAC service estimate.

Generator outside of building

Choosing the Right Generator for Your Home

No matter the circumstances nor time of day, power outages are always a huge inconvenience. After all, every device and appliance in your home runs on some level of power. So, you should consider having a whole-house generator installation in your home. And the best generators are provided and installed by the home appliance professionals at RA Dobson. 

We have dedicated ourselves for over 45 years to providing home appliances to residents throughout Ashburn, VA. Additionally, we offer expert services in maintenance, repair, and installation across a wide range of specialties—plumbing, heating, indoor air quality, and more. If you require a repair or installation in your home, speak with a professional from RA Dobson and get a free estimate for the specific service you need. 

Here, we outline some crucial details to help you identify the right generator for your home:  

Types of Home Generators

Before we discuss how to choose the best generator for your home, let’s review the different types of available generators. As you might be able to guess, different generators produce different wattage capacities. 

The higher a generator’s capacity, the more appliances that it can power. You have an array of options to choose from according to your budget and preference. 

Specifically, we’ll be talking about inverter generators, which are suited for home emergency power. The general types of inverter generators include:     

  • Recreational Inverter Generator – Small, portable generators that produce up to 2,000 watts of power, usually used as a portable power source for camping or small-scale construction. However, they can also power a few appliances in your home during a power outage.  
  • Mid-Sized Inverter Generator – Larger portable generators that, as their size suggests, produce more power—usually up to 3,500 watts. Thus, they can also act as a short-term power supply for several appliances in your home (at least a few more compared to the previous generator type). 
  • Large Inverter Generator – The largest type of portable generator, producing up to 7,500 watts. One of these will power a good deal of your home’s power supply, though not its full capacity. 
  • Home Standby Generator – Essentially, a second generator for your entire home. These produce around 20,000 watts, enough to power the essential appliances and more. These are also installed directly into your home’s power system, meaning that in the event of an outage, your system will immediately switch to this generator, making your lack of power almost seamless. 

Along with increasing capacities, these generators are also in order of lowest to highest cost. Below, we’ll discuss how you can choose the right generator for your home based on the situations regarding your climate. 

Situations That Require A Generator Installation

While price and preference have their weight in your decision of which emergency generator installation to buy for your home, the climate around your home–and the situations that result–is also another important factor to consider. 

  • Power Outages Are Frequent – These usually occur in homes located in climates that involve frequent severe weather events like blizzards, storms, and hurricanes. In this case, you should invest in a home standby or large inverter generator, as the high frequency of outages requires a more consistent source of backup power. 
  • Outages Are Occasional – In a climate where outages occur every so often but are not prolonged, it’s best to go with a mid-size or large inverter to maintain some if not most of your home’s power when it is needed. 
  • Outages Are Rare – Though the likelihood of an outage is small, preparing to maintain your home’s power in the potential event of one is still important, so having a recreational or mid-size inverter generator around your home is a practical choice to make.   

RA Dobson: High-Quality Generator Installation in Ashburn, VA

The above information should help you narrow down the generator you want to install for your home. In the end, what counts the most is the service you choose for assistance in making the necessary setup and premium generator installation work. Hiring RA Dobson will not only get you high-quality generators but also other excellent home appliances, as well as great services in plumbing, heating, HVAC, and more. Our team has over 45 years of experience in the industry, which means our technicians are qualified and seasoned in providing the best heating, HVAC, and plumbing services possible. Contact us at  (703) 481-3700 to learn more and get a free estimate for one of our services.

HVAC air conditioning unit outside house

How to Save on Air Conditioning Costs

AC units can drive up your energy bills if you’re not careful, especially during the spring and summer months. To reduce these costs, try to avoid producing excess heat within your home and get regular maintenance performed on your AC system. However, you may still need to replace your outdated system with a newer, more efficient model. If you need help with an affordable air conditioning installation or maintenance service, contact RA Dobson

We are a well-established service provider that serves Loudoun County, VA. We offer repair, installation, and maintenance for not just AC systems but also other home appliances. Our technicians are seasoned and trained professionals, dedicated to ensuring you receive great service. We provide high-quality home appliances, from water heaters to dependable in-home generator systems. If you need an air conditioning service, consider us your first choice. 

Below, we discuss what you can do to help lower your AC’s energy use over time:

  1. Install a Smart Thermostat

Finally, while high in initial cost, you can easily save a great deal of money over time by installing a smart thermostat system in your home. 

These can be programmed to automatically change settings throughout the day, adjusting to different temperatures and thus adjusting the power output of your AC so that it works precisely as much as it should- no more, no less. This precision then results in less wasted energy and thus lower energy bills later on down the road. 

On top of that, smart thermostats make it so that your home is always at the most comfortable temperature throughout the day- some even have the added feature of giving each room a distinct temperature so that every inhabitant has it how they want.

  1. Lower Stove/Oven Usage

One of the best ways to save on AC costs is to lower the amount of heat that’s produced inside your home. Usually, the largest heating appliances in your home–besides your heat pump–are the stove and oven. 

These appliances not only draw a lot of electricity but also produce a considerable amount of excess heat. Although temporary, it can affect your home’s indoor temperature and force your AC to work harder.

  1. Reduce Heat

Another way to reduce the amount of heat in your home is to decrease the amount of sunlight entering your home. You can easily achieve this by keeping your window blinds closed. This prevents sunlight from filtering through and decreases your home’s temperature.

There are a variety of ways you can reduce the heat in your home but doing this can help knock off a few degrees, keeping your home cooler.

  1. Get Routine AC Maintenance

Your AC system is often in constant use and requires regular maintenance to lengthen its lifespan. Most people tend to forget about scheduling an AC tune-up until it’s too late, which ultimately costs you more in the long run.

Wear and tear may be due to build-up in your air filter, as well as clogged up evaporator coil and condenser coil—both of which collect dust and dirt from your ventilation system over time and can become less effective as a result. 

Having a professional technician perform routine HVAC inspection and maintenance during the spring and summer will ensure your HVAC system, as well as your AC, works efficiently throughout the year.   

RA Dobson: Air Conditioning Installation in Loudoun County, VA

Create an ideal environment that reduces the cost of your AC system! To improve its efficiency, along with a smart thermostat, you can also have an equally advanced air conditioning installation in your home that will work in tandem with it. Throughout Loudoun County, VA, RA Dobson has provided numerous AC installations, maintenance, and repair services to residents throughout our region. Our business can measure well over 45 years of service in Northern Virginia, and we are devoted to making sure we provide the best home appliance service possible. Contact us today at (703) 481-3700 to find out more about our appliances and services, and schedule an appointment with us today!

Well maintained vents in Ashburn VA building that gets quality HVAC inspection

A Guide To Your HVAC System

“HVAC” stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and an HVAC system is what heats and cools your home. During cold seasons, you rely on the furnace portion of your HVAC system. And during warmer months, you rely on the AC. But to keep both systems running, invest in a professional HVAC inspection service that checks all their basic parts. 

RA Dobson offers the best repairs, installations, and inspection services for HVAC systems in the area. We can help you save 60% on your energy bills with our highly efficient systems. Residents of Ashburn, VA, and the surrounding area trust our HVAC inspections and other services

Below, we explore the 8 basic parts of a typical HVAC system:

1. Thermostat

You can think of the thermostat as the “brain” of your HVAC system. It contains a thermometer that gauges the system’s running temperature against your home’s interior temperature. To match the two, the system turns on the furnace or air conditioner so that your home reaches the desired temperature.

2. Furnace and Blower Motor

Next is the furnace, a relatively large unit distinct from the AC that demands its own space in the basement, attic, or closet. A fuel source – such as natural gas, oil, or electricity – heats the air that comes into it. Then, an attached blower motor distributes the air through ducts to the rest of the house. The motor also pulls in cool air from the house to start the process over again.

3. Heat Exchanger

A heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat from one medium to another. If your furnace uses oil or gas, burners accomplish the heating. If it runs on electricity, electric coils heat the air. As the heat exchanger warms up the air, heat transfers to the metal walls. The air heats up quickly and then is distributed throughout the home. 

4. Evaporator Coil

An evaporator coil is the internal portion of a split-system air conditioner. It absorbs heat from the air in your house so that only cool air remains.

5. Condensing Unit

The condensing unit is a big metal unit that sits outside your house and expels the heat from the interior to the exterior.

6. Refrigerant Lines

Refrigerant lines make air conditioning possible. Made of copper and aluminum, and run between the condensing unit and evaporator coil. They are responsible for carrying the refrigerant between the condensing unit and the evaporator coil.

7. Ductwork

Ductwork includes all the metal passages that deliver and move the air. They should be sealed and insulated to prevent major temperature shifts. 

8. Return and Supply Registers

These are covers that fit over the ductwork ends. They allow air out of and into the HVAC system. They are typically located on the ceiling, walls, and floors depending on the ductwork layout. 

HVAC Inspection Now Available in Ashburn, VA

HVAC systems are the foundation of your home’s air quality and comfortability, yet they contain a lot of nuances and parts. So, let the RA Dobson team help you manage your HVAC system with an HVAC inspection service. Our employees are well trained and knowledgeable about HVAC systems and can help you to keep them working properly. We offer the latest energy-efficient systems in heating and air conditioning. Contact us today for an inspection and receive a free estimate or call us at (703) 481-3700 for more information on how we can help you feel comfortable in your home.