How Best To Keep Your Home Warm

As summer ends and the football season kicks off, stop and consider whether you’ll be comfortable during the upcoming winter. How warm has your home been in past winters? Did you pay outrageous energy bills? If you want to improve your home’s heating and/or cut costs, try making use of natural light, purchasing a smart or programmable thermostat, and getting a professional heat pump installation.

Homeowners throughout Sterling, VA, and the surrounding region can turn to RA Dobson for all their heating and cooling needs. We are a family-owned and operated business that aims to provide outstanding services at reasonable rates. Along with heating and cooling, we offer plumbing, generator, humidifier, air quality, water heater, and additional services. Visit our website today to get exclusive coupons and fill out a free estimate request form.

Below, we list several suggestions for warming your home this winter:

  1. Let In Sunlight

Our first suggestion is also our simplest: open your curtains to let in sunlight. Although winter brings the shortest days of the year, it still provides natural light that we can use. Sunlight is free and boosts mental health, helping people to stay positive during cold weather. However, close your curtains at night—doing so insulates your home from any cold air that could leak through your windows.

  1. Upgrade Your Thermostat

When they go to bed at night, many people turn down their home’s thermostat to save money on energy use. However, those with a traditional thermostat tend to crank their heat the following morning in the hopes of quickly making their interiors warm again.

The problem with this approach is that systems heat up at the same rate no matter what you set the thermostat to. Cranking the heat up high fails to speed the process—instead, the heater must keep working until it reaches that high temperature. 

However, if you invest in a smart or programmable thermostat, it can switch your heat on while you’re in bed. By the time you get up, your indoor climate can already be warm. Plus, you can adjust the level as you see fit–no more cranking the heat and hoping for quick results.

  1. Move Your Furniture

Another simple suggestion? Move your sofa (or other furniture) away from your radiator or baseboard heaters. Many people place furniture near these outlets so they can enjoy their warmth while seated. However, the furniture itself absorbs heat and blocks the free movement of warm air. Shifting furniture away from the outlets allows heat to circulate through the air.

  1. Install a Heat Pump System

Home interior technology has long moved past fireplaces and traditional boiler systems. While those may still suit some folks, you can get more heat for less money with new options. In particular, the RA Dobson team suggests that you purchase a heat pump system.

We’ve discussed the benefits of heat pumps at length: extraordinary energy efficiency, alternative energy options, and practical applications. Best of all, they can also cool a hot house during the summer months by removing warm air from its interior.

  1. Turn Down the Dial

Stay warm by decreasing your indoor heat? Yes, you can remain comfortable and save money by doing so. Lowering your thermostat just a single degree below your normal setting can create great savings over time. Moreover, your body can adjust to the shift adeptly. Indeed, you may tolerate your cooler nighttime climate better  thanks to a lessened daytime one.

  1. Upgrade Your System

If you’ve had your heating system for more than 10 years, it’s time to start shopping for a replacement. With careful maintenance, a system can last a few years longer, but those with age start losing efficiency and effectiveness. If you’re unsure of your system’s age, search its serial number online. 

We’ve previously discussed the warning signs that your furnace needs replacement. However, your best option is to speak with an expert—reach out to us for a professional inspection today.

  1. Schedule Routine Maintenance

More than anything else, you can best keep your home warm this winter by scheduling routine maintenance with RA Dobson. Maintenance checks allow our technicians to not only repair your heating system but also check external elements that affect its performance.

“External elements” may include your home insulation’s effectiveness, your water tank’s functioning, and your home’s draftiness. These factors can influence your perception of the heat in your home, so share your concerns about them with us.

Professional Heat Pump Installation for Sterling, VA, Residents

Before the fall holidays officially kick off and take over your schedule, give a thought to the state of your home’s heating system. Could a professional heat pump installation help keep your home warm? Would it cut back on energy costs? Reach out to RA Dobson for more information about interiors and heat pumps. We are the Sterling, VA, region’s service provider of heating and cooling maintenance as well as plumbing, generator, humidifier, and more services. Call us today at (703) 481-3700 or visit our website and fill out our contact form for more information.

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