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Sump pump installation Ashburn VA

How a Sump Pump Installation Can Protect Your Home from Flooding

Sump pumps serve a simple purpose, yet they can save you a lot of money and frustration: they protect homes from flooding by pumping water out of basements. Operating automatically, they collect the water that seeps or floods in and then direct it away from a structure. So, keep your home dry with professional sump pump installation.

R.A. Dobson provides such services to homeowners in Ashburn, VA. A second-generation family business with decades of experience, we seek to provide you with comprehensive, reliable, and convenient service along with excellent communication. Read about our craftsmanship and support from previous clients on our website, then contact us at (703) 481-3700 for a free project estimate

Below, we outline how a sump pump can protect your home from flooding:

Directs Water out of Your Basement

Basement flooding can come from diverse causes, including groundwater accumulation, burst pipes, or an overflowing washing machine. Additionally, floodwater will make its way to the lowest grade of your home if it penetrates the structure. So, sump pumps are designed to collect water in a basin or pit and then pump it out.

Operates Automatically

Automatic sump pumps offer unrivaled protection from floodwater. They come with either a pressure activator or a float activator arm, which starts the pump’s engine when water fills the basin.

The two primary styles of automatic sump pumps are the submersible and pedestal. Submersible pumps are concealed in the sump basin, while pedestal pumps are mounted above the basin. Both options offer effective results, but pedestal pumps work best in small basements because they require less basin space.

Pumps Water to a Proper Drainage Location

Sump pump installation Ashburn VA

Technicians can install your sump pump to collect water from under your basement floor and around your home’s foundation. Yet no matter the water’s source, the pump drains it using an impeller and centrifugal movement, which pushes the water out of the basin and into a discharge pipe. The pipe then drains the water away from your home’s foundation. You can determine an ideal drainage location with guidance from an R.A. Dobson technician.

Sump Pump Installation Services Available in Ashburn, VA

Turn to R.A. Dobson for reliable sump pump installation in Ashburn, VA. Our team is dedicated to keeping you and your family comfortable in your home with our high-quality services. We offer one-year service warranties and honor all manufacturer warranties. Get a free estimate by calling us at (703) 481-3700 today.

HVAC inspection Leesburg VA

5 Ways to Make Your HVAC System More Efficient

Heating and cooling bills are among the largest expenses in most homes, so everyone wants to minimize these costs. But how can you increase your HVAC system’s efficiency? Some proven methods include adjusting your thermostat to the season, closing curtains and blinds, and keeping vents unobstructed. Most importantly, hire a professional for a thorough HVAC inspection annually to ensure your system continues functioning at high capacity.

R.A. Dobson is a heating, air conditioning, and plumbing company that operates in Ashburn, VA. As a 2nd-generation family business, we understand the ins and outs of owning and managing a home. This knowledge helps us provide the outstanding support, guidance, and customer service that our satisfied customers report. For more information on how we can help you, contact us at (703) 481-3700.

Below, we outline 5 ways to make your HVAC system more efficient:

Adjust Your Thermostat to the Season

As the outdoor climate warms and cools throughout the year, make a note to adjust your thermostat accordingly. During the summer, reset the indoor temperature to between 5-8 degrees higher than your “normal” level. In the winter, reset the temperature in the opposite direction.

You might find a programmable thermostat helpful in this effort. You can use its capabilities to automatically adjust the temperature for different seasons, times of day (like when you’re away from home), and even rooms in your home.

2. Maintain Accurate Thermostat Readings

Consider installing separate thermostats on different levels of your home so that each can provide as accurate a reading as possible. Doing so not only increases your HVAC system’s efficiency but also allows you to administer different temperatures at different levels of your home. Programmable thermostats can automatically accomplish this zoning effect for optimal energy efficiency.

Also, refrain from placing heat-producing appliances close to your thermostat. Doing so could compel your HVAC system to cool your home further than you wish. During the winter, a proximate heat-producing appliance to your thermostat would make your HVAC system use less energy but also make your thermostat inaccurate.

3. Close Your Curtains & Blinds

During the summer, close your curtains and blinds to prevent sunlight from heating your home’s interior. This effect occurs in the same way that the sun heats a car. By closing your curtains and blinds on hot summer days, you block the sun’s rays. Doing so can help you save on air conditioning costs.

Additionally, closing your curtains and blinds during the winter prevents cold air from seeping inside through the windows. Only open your curtains in the winter when sunlight is coming through and angle your blinds up towards the ceiling.

4. Use Heat-Producing Appliances Sparingly & Keep Vents Unblocked

Heat-producing appliances, like the oven and dryer, generate warm air. So, using them during the hottest time of the day forces your HVAC system to work harder to cool your house. Try to plan out how you use heat-producing appliances accordingly.

Also, keep your air vents unobstructed so that your HVAC system can do its job. This requires moving various items, like furniture and toys, away from all indoor supply vents. Doing so will promote steady airflow and prevent your system from overworking.

5. Hire a Professional HVAC Company

Finally, employ a service company to provide maintenance as well as parts repair and replacement for your HVAC system. A capable HVAC professional can handle all your system’s complex needs, including cleaning your outdoor condenser unit, vacuuming indoor vents, clearing your drain line, and insulating exposed ductwork.

HVAC inspection Leesburg VA

R.A. Dobson: Expert HVAC Inspections Available in Leesburg, VA

R.A. Dobson provides professional HVAC inspections to homeowners in the Leesburg, VA, area. From HVAC systems to air cleaners, we provide our customers with systems that keep their homes comfortable. We also offer a 1-year service warranty and respect all manufacturer warranties. For an HVAC service provider that you can trust, contact R.A. Dobson at (703) 481-3700 today.

Plumbing Repair Northern Virginia

2022 Spring Plumbing Checklist 

If you don’t already, you should check your faucets, drains, water heater, and other home plumbing elements at least twice a year. Doing so, particularly in the spring, ensures that your plumbing keeps operating smoothly. If you notice an issue, you can contact a plumbing repair expert for maintenance and a thorough inspection before the problem turns into a plumbing emergency

Northern Virginia residents and businesses can rely on R.A. Dobson for such services. Our company offers heating, cooling, and plumbing services. Specifically, we provide installations, maintenance, repairs, and replacements for these home appliances. For over 45 years, our technicians have helped folks remain comfortable in their homes. When you need a home services provider, contact R.A. Dobson for reliable work and excellent customer service.

Below, we provide a list of plumbing parts you should check this upcoming spring: 

Plumbing Features to Check During Spring


Begin by examining the faucets in your kitchen, bathrooms, and outdoor sinks. To test their operation, check their water’s pressure level, flow, and color.

Inspecting these outlets is a good starting point in determining your plumbing system’s condition. It also helps your faucets remain efficient. If you notice problems with their water flow or pressure—or if the faucets are rusted and outdated—you may need a plumbing repair specialist.


Next, check the drains connected to your plumbing system. Drains often provide the first signal that your system is clogged or leaking. If any of your sinks receive little use, you should pour a gallon of water in them now and then to prevent odors from rising.

Run a mild drain cleaner through your drains every so often to break down any buildup in them. If you still notice issues, like water draining from your sink too slowly, the system may have a clog or another drainage issue. 

In that case, contact the plumbing professionals at R.A. Dobson. We can perform a quick inspection and make the necessary repairs, whether that involves a quick fix or intricate work.

Water Heater 

Plumbing Repair Northern Virginia

You should also look into the condition of your water heater. You need not wait for spring to do so—inspect your water heater as winter approaches. Since they receive constant use for many years,  they tend to wear down quite a lot.

Look for leaks around its base, including the cold water inlet pipe and the temperature and pressure relief valve. Check the top as well, particularly around the hot water exit pipe.

You should have a trustworthy plumbing service perform regular maintenance on your water heater. Additionally, you should flush your water heater at least once a year to remove harmful sediment and clean the burner. These steps can greatly increase the lifespan and efficiency of your water heater.

Sump Pump

If your basement or another space has a sump pump, you should check its functioning as well. While not a major part of your plumbing system, a sump pump protects the lower floors from flooding and water from damaging your property. Checking it only requires you to fill the sump pit with water. The pump should activate and flush the water out. 

Of course, if you lack a sump pump system in your basement, contact a home plumbing and a drainage professional for R.A. Dobson. We install top-of-the-line sump pumps to protect your home and property.

R.A. Dobson, Inc: Qualified Plumbing Repair Experts in Northern Virginia

Checking your home plumbing system helps you to avoid expensive repairs. You should also have a professional plumbing repair and maintenance service on call, like R.A. Dobson. Our home appliance technicians handle HVAC, heating, and plumbing services as well as generator installations, thermostat replacements, and more. If you need professional help with your plumbing or HVAC system, contact us at (703) 481-3700 and learn more about our services today.

HVAC Companies Ashburn VA

When to Repair and When to Replace Your HVAC System

A reliable HVAC system is essential to comfortable indoor living. Moreover, regular maintenance helps keep that system in optimal condition. But what should you do when your system ceases to work? To determine whether your HVAC system requires a simple repair or full-scale replacement, consider its age and operating status as well as unusual changes in its behavior. A trustworthy HVAC company in your area can determine what your system needs.

R.A. Dobson offers HVAC repair and replacement services in Ashburn, VA. A second-generation family company operating since 1975, we offer a 1-year service warranty and honor all manufacturer warranties. Our trained and certified technicians provide outstanding service and aim for customer satisfaction. Contact us today at (703) 481-3700!

Below, we consider several questions, the answers to which indicate whether you need an HVAC repair or replacement:

  1. How Old Is Your HVAC System?

Air conditioners, furnaces, and heat pumps all have a lifespan of about 15-20 years. Yet their exact lifespan depends on each system’s environment, brand, model, maintenance, and use. 

You should consider units at less than half the age of their life expectancy worth repairing once. However, further breakdowns indicate a need for replacement. You should also replace units that require repairs amounting to more than half the cost of replacement. 

Additionally, outdated models can pose problems even if they still operate properly. For instance, furnace models from before 2015 have a lower efficiency compliance level than models from after, which can result in higher energy bills. Also, air conditioners that use Freon should be replaced, as the US no longer allows the production of Freon.

  1. Is It Operating Effectively?

Inconsistent temperatures throughout your home may signal that you should replace your HVAC system. As your system ages, it loses its ability to create an even temperature throughout your home.

Some issues—such as low fluid levels, cracked ducts, and clogged filters—can often be repaired with ease. Likewise, issues with your thermostat can be corrected readily. Whatever the problem, have your system inspected to determine the source of the problem.

  1. Has Your Energy Bill Increased?

Your energy bill should remain consistent aside from slight variations between seasons. If you notice your energy bill steadily increasing, you may have a broken or outdated system. If repairs or a replacement system fails to solve the problem, you may need to have your home inspected for air leaks.

  1. Have You Noticed Unusual Signs?

Older units often make unusual noises that should be inspected. Screeching and grinding, for instance, indicate that your system may need replacement.

Other unusual signs, including increased dust and humidity as well as strange odors, come from problems that can be repaired. Do not overlook these issues, however, as they may spring from a gas leak, burning wire, or something else serious. Better to take precautions than to deal with a broken-down HVAC system.

R.A. Dobson: A Leader Among HVAC Companies in Ashburn, VA

HVAC Companies Ashburn VA

Rely on R.A. Dobson, a leader among HVAC companies in Ashburn, VA. We offer regular repairs and installations for furnaces, air conditioners, and heat pumps. Select from several energy-efficient Carrier products, along with quality craftsmanship, to ensure your family’s comfort. Contact us at (703) 481-3700 for a free estimate

Generator Installation Loudoun County VA

What You Need to Know Before Installing a Generator

Severe storms and other weather events threaten our home comforts. An unprotected home could go without electricity for hours, days, or sometimes weeks. Nevertheless, many homeowners fail to consider installing a backup generator, let alone investigate the different types or the necessary power capacity. So, secure your home and family from power outages by hiring the technicians at R.A. Dobson for standby generator installation and expert product guidance.

R.A. Dobson proudly provides generator installation and repair services to our clients in Loudoun County, VA. We’re a second-generation, family-run company, so we empathize with our customers and their concerns. We strive to provide home systems you can trust, especially in emergencies. For a professional evaluation and $250 0ff your installation, contact us today at (703) 481-3700.

Below, we review what you should know before installing a generator:

Portable vs. Standby Generators

Generator Installation Loudoun County VA

Relying on a portable generator for backup home power creates a few problems. First, they can pose a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning when placed in or close to a house, as well as an electrical and tripping hazard if they need extension cords.

Additionally, portable generators have much less run-time capability than standby generators. Though portable models may provide home power for short spells, their small fuel capacity means they must be refueled quite often.

But standby generators can link to large fuel containers/natural gas lines, be wired to your home, and activate automatically during an outage. Moreover, they provide the energy and fuel capacity necessary to power your home without the safety hazards associated with portable models.

Choosing the Right Power Capacity

The right power capacity for your standby generator depends on the size of your home and the extent of your needs. A standard whole-house generator produces between 20-22 kW, which supplies the power required by heating and air conditioning units. However, if you only want to keep your refrigerator and a few lights on, a 5-10 kW generator could fulfill your needs. A professional evaluation can determine which standby generator would work for your home.

Selecting a Fuel Type

You should consider your fuel options as well, including:

  • Natural Gas: Both clean and accessible during most weather conditions and emergencies, natural gas fulfills the reliability needed for a backup generator.
  • Propane (LP Gas): Safe, stable, and easy to store in large quantities, propane is usually accessible and supplied by a local delivery service. Although propane doesn’t contain as much energy capacity as diesel, it’s still a great option for a standby generator.
  • Diesel: Having low volatility and high energy content, diesel is a popular choice for commercial properties. Although it often requires an external tank, diesel is a viable option if you lack access to natural gas or propane.

If you’re still unsure, an expert can help you determine the best fuel type and generator for your home.

R.A. Dobson: Professional Generator Installation in Loudoun County, Virginia

Turn to the professionals at R.A. Dobson for generator installation services in Loudoun County, Virginia. We select our products carefully and respect all warranties. When our technicians install your standby generator, you can trust it to protect you and your family in emergencies. For a standby generator from a trustworthy service provider, visit our website or call (703) 481-3700 today.

Air Cleaning Service Ashburn VA

Why You Should Buy a Home Air Cleaner

Clean air helps create a healthy home environment. Thus, having an air cleaner installed onto your heating and cooling system offers a low-maintenance, healthy home solution. Air cleaners remove particles from the indoor climate, minimize asthma and allergy symptoms, and protect a house’s residents from pathogens. Just turn to your local air cleaning service provider for installation.

R.A. Dobson provides air cleaner installation and repair services to residents and businesses in Ashburn, Virginia. We are a second-generation family business that has provided customers with heating, air conditioning, and plumbing solutions for over 45 years. Our service options cover heat pumps, thermostats, UV lights, water heaters, duct cleaning, and more. We are committed to quality workmanship and responsive customer service. Contact us today at (703) 481-3700!

Below, we outline why you should invest in a home air cleaner:

Remove Particles from the Air

Air cleaners with a high Clean-Air Delivery Rate (CADR) are capable of removing smoke, dust, and pollen from the air. These cleaners suck air through a filter made of paper, fiber, or mesh, and trap pathogens before releasing the air back into your heating and cooling system.

We recommend the following air cleaner models for effective particle purification:

  • Carrier Infinity Air Purifier
  • Aprilaire 2210 and 2410 Whole-House Media Air Cleaners
  • Honeywell F100 High-Efficiency Media Cleaner

We can install an air cleaner in your home to remove airborne particles. We also offer repair services and filter changes.

Minimize Asthma and Allergy Symptoms

Homes tend to capture common asthma triggers and respiratory allergens—including smoke, pollen, and dust—due to their circular ventilation. Yet air particle purifiers remove triggers and allergens, thereby minimizing asthma and allergy symptoms. These irritating symptom aggressors need not bother you any longer.

The Aprilaire 2210 and 2410 Whole-House Media Air Cleaners are best suited for minimizing allergy symptoms. This dual-piece air cleaning system comes equipped with patented filtering media for improving indoor air quality.

Protect Your Family from Pathogens

Sneezing and coughing release aerosol pathogens into the air. If released inside, these pathogens can remain in the air for hours, moving through a circular ventilation system. However, an effective air cleaner can neutralize them.

The proper air cleaner can capture and kill 99% of air-born pathogens in your home. Our technicians recommend the Carrier Infinity Air purifier In particular, as it inactivates pathogens like coronavirus and bacteria.  

R.A. Dobson: Air Cleaning Service Professionals Available in Ashburn, Virginia

Turn to R.A. Dobson for an experienced air cleaning service in Ashburn, Virginia. We offer a 1-year warranty on all services, and we honor all manufacturer warranties. Furthermore, we are committed to offering the latest in energy-efficient heating and air conditioning technology.  Request a free estimate and schedule service online or at (703) 481-3700!

Heat Pump Installation Ashburn VA

How a Heat Pump Can Save You Money Throughout the Year

If you want to save money on your energy expenses, consider having a heat pump installed. Heat pumps can create a comfortable indoor climate during both summer and winter while using less energy than a traditional HVAC. In other words, a heat pump—despite “heat” appearing in its name—can warm and cool your home. Furthermore, professional heat pump installation tends to be more efficient than conventional air conditioning or heater installation, particularly in temperate climates.

The technicians at R.A. Dobson offer heat pump installation services throughout Ashburn, VA. A family-owned and operated company in our second generation, we stand behind our work with a one-year warranty on all services. Additionally, we respect manufacturer warranties. Our technicians can install, maintain, and repair the latest energy-saving heating and cooling technologies for your home. For more information, reach out through our contact page.

Below, we outline how a heat pump works, how it can save you money, and how to measure its efficiency:

How a Heat Pump Works

Heat pumps work by transferring heat from one location to another. Most air conditioners apply the same basic principle, but heat pumps perform this task more efficiently and throughout the year.

Although it seems to contradict common sense, warm air persists even when the outdoor temperature is freezing. So, even in cold weather, heat pumps extract warm air from outdoors and transfer it indoors. The process is reversed in hot weather, taking heat from inside the home and releasing it outside. Doing so keeps your indoor air cool.

Heat pumps can work with air handlers or furnaces to distribute air throughout a residence. Together, they are an efficient means of keeping your home comfortable all year long, transferring warm air through a small amount of electricity. Moreover, caring for your heat pump requires simple maintenance and switching from heating and cooling when seasons change. 

How a Heat Pump Saves You Money

A heat pump saves you money thanks to its efficiency compared to conventional HVAC systems. By transporting warm air rather than producing heat, a heat pump uses less energy than traditional systems. Furthermore, a heat pump eliminates the need for separate heating and cooling systems. For every season, you can count on this one unit.

Two different rating systems measure heat pumps’ efficiency:

  • Heating

The Heating Season Performance Factor, or HSPF, is the standard measurement of heating efficiency. It calculates the ratio of heat output to energy used throughout a season. A device with an HSPF value of 8-10 is considered efficient.

  • Cooling

A heat pump’s cooling efficiency is determined by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) system. This measurement compares cool air output vs. energy input. Law requires new units to reach a SEER rating of 13.0 or higher, though the rating can go as high as 23.0.

If you’re concerned about the efficiency of your current heat pump, we recommend replacing it with a more energy-efficient one, especially if your model is more than 10 years old.

R.A. Dobson: Expert Heat Pump Installation in Ashburn, VA

Heat Pump Installation

R.A. Dobson has been helping customers in Ashburn with heat pump installation for over 45 years. Our certified specialists can install a new, energy-efficient system in your home so your family saves money and remains comfortable all year round. Contact our team by phone at (703) 481-3700.

Water Heater Repair Ashburn VA

6 Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater

If you find yourself in need of constant water heater repairs, or you want to upgrade your machine, check out the benefits of tankless water heaters. These appliances have grown increasingly popular in recent years. Compared to conventional tank-style heaters, tankless models offer increased energy efficiency, a longer life span, unlimited hot water, and far less maintenance.

For all your water heater repair and installation needs, turn to R.A. Dobson. We have provided heating, cooling, plumbing, and more services to Ashburn, VA, homeowners since 1975. Customers rely on our technicians’ expertise and excellent service options. Moreover, we offer a 1-year warranty on our services and honor all manufacturer warranties to keep folks comfortable in their homes. So, call us today at (703) 481-3700 and schedule your service!

Below, we discuss 6 advantages of tankless water heaters over conventional models:

  1. Energy Efficiency
    First, tankless water heaters use much less energy than traditional tank-style heaters. Indeed, in comparison to conventional models, tankless heaters use 24–34% less energy. The reason behind this lies in the fact that tankless models heat water on demand rather than constantly, as tank-style models do.
  2. Lower Energy Bills
    Also, given that they use less energy than conventional models, tankless water heaters come with lower energy costs. Water heaters are the second-highest source of energy usage in homes, and with more people working from home, energy bills will increase. The average household can save hundreds of dollars annually by switching to a tankless water heater.
  3. Longer Life Span
    Furthermore, tankless water heaters are more durable than traditional heaters. Research indicates that the former lasts up to 5–10 years longer than the latter. With routine maintenance, your tankless heater may last up to 20 years. All homeowners can benefit from less frequent water heater replacement.
  4. Unlimited Hot Water
    Additionally, tankless models can resolve your worries about running out of hot water. Since tankless water heaters warm up water on demand, they deliver hot water when necessary for the length of time you need it. Conventional heaters, on the other hand, warm a certain amount of water that a building’s occupants can use up.
  5. Increased Space
    Moreover, a tankless heater can help you conserve space in your home. They take up significantly less room than a tank-style heater, which needs space for a 40–60 gallon tank of water. Tankless water heaters include no tank and are often hung on a wall.
  6. Low Maintenance
    Finally, a tankless heater can help you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also curtail your need for maintenance. Depending on your water supply’s quality, most tankless water heaters require no maintenance for 4–5 years.

Water Heater Repairs & Installations Available in Ashburn, VA

Water Heater Repair Ashburn VA

R.A. Dobson’s expert team provides residents throughout Ashburn, VA, with comprehensive HVAC, plumbing, and water heater repair and installations. We are a trusted service provider throughout the Northern Virginia region—just read our customer reviews! If you believe your tankless water heater needs professional maintenance or repair, allow us to take a look and see how we can help. For more savings, check out our online coupons. Call (703) 481-3700 today or fill out our online form to receive a free water heater service estimate.

Plumbing Repair Ashburn VA

Your 2022 Winter Plumbing Checklist

As the heart of winter approaches and temperatures continue to drop, your home plumbing faces increased risk from the cold. Nevertheless, simple steps—like wrapping exposed pipes or getting your water pressure checked—can help protect your system from serious damage. Reach out to a professional for plumbing repair services in Ashburn, VA, who can protect your system against this winter’s weather.

R.A. Dobson is a top-rated team of HVAC and plumbing professionals that has proudly served Ashburn, VA, and the surrounding areas for over 45 years. Our seasoned technicians help with heating, air conditioning, electrical, and plumbing issues that homeowners experience. Call us today or fill out our online form and get our plumbing home inspection for $75 from our team of experts!

Below, we list 6 steps that will protect your home against 2022’s winter months:

1. Wrap All Exposed Pipes

First and foremost, the exposed pipes around your home—particularly those under or outside your house—must be insulated against the frigid air. Exposed pipes are susceptible to freezing and, even worse, bursting. Burst pipes can flood homes. Moreover, in Virginia, pipes tend to burst at 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can find pipe insulation at any hardware store and attempt to wrap your pipes alone. However, professionals have the expertise and experience to wrap pipes properly. So, call your heating and cooling experts at R.A. Dobson to winterize your pipes.

2. Disconnect You Outdoor Water Sources

Many homeowners damage their outdoor water systems by forgetting to turn those systems off. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Simply disconnecting your hoses, sprinkles, and all other external plumbing systems guards outdoor systems against damage due to cold weather.

3. Crank Up the Heat

With frosty nights and cold days common now, experts recommend setting your home’s heat at 68 degrees while you’re awake. Turning your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees lower during the night can save 10% on your home’s monthly energy bills. Plus, a programmable thermostat can help you navigate these shifts without hassle.

68 degrees helps protect your pipes from cold weather extremes without breaking your bank on energy expenses. If you’ll be gone for a prolonged period, you should have a friend or house sitter stop by to regulate your home’s heat and keep an eye out for freezing pipes.

4. Inspect Your Water Heater

You should have your water heater inspected annually whether you suspect an issue or not. Any damage, leaks, cracks, and odd smells/sounds coming from the water heater can indicate it needs maintenance. Moreover, call us as soon as possible for water heater repair before an issue leads to an irreparable problem!

5. Check Your Water Pressure

Your home’s water pressure can tell you a lot about your plumbing system’s status. For example, if your water pressure appears lower than normal, the system may have a leak or blockage.

If you have water pressure issues, we recommend reaching out to our plumbing repair professionals. Water pressure can be a symptom of a much larger problem. If left unattended, that issue can escalate quickly.

6. Check for Leaking Faucets and Taps

From showerheads to the kitchen sink, check all of your water fixtures for leaks. A professional can tighten leaking faucets and taps so they perform as usual. When left running overnight, a dripping faucet increases the chances of the water freezing and other issues. Again, reach out to R.A. Dobson for help with all your plumbing problems!

Expert Plumbing Repair Available Now in Ashburn, VA!

Plumbing Repair Ashburn VA

R.A. Dobson, a top plumbing and HVAC services provider, proudly serves home- and business owners throughout Ashburn, VA. Our expert technicians can help you prevent major plumbing issues with our professional plumbing repair services. We also offer online coupons to boost your savings no matter the project you have in mind. Call us today at (703) 481-3700 or fill out our online form for a free estimate to find out how we can help you!

Thermostat Repair in Ashburn VA

How Thermostats Work & Why They Are Important

An increasing number of homes use digital thermostats. But if your home still has an analog model, it may suffer from manual temperature cycling and higher energy costs. So, switch to a digital thermostat and enjoy convenience and energy savings. Look to your local heating and cooling service for thermostat repair or installation.

R.A. Dobson offers heating, air conditioning, and plumbing installations and repairs in Ashburn, VA. We use the latest energy-efficient heating and air conditioning technology. With over 45 years of service, we staff thorough technicians who deliver quality work. We also offer a one-year service warranty and honor all manufacturer warranties. Contact us today at (703) 481-3700 to schedule an appointment.

How Digital Thermostats Work

Digital thermostats include an internal thermistor and a built-in clock, both of which make the thermostat precise and automatic:

  • Internal Thermistor: Internal thermistors receive and measure the resistance of a current for the thermostat to calculate the temperature of a space. The thermostat uses this temperature reading to adjust the heater or air conditioner to reach or maintain the temperature designated for the space.
  • Built-In Clock: Homeowners can use the built-in clock so that their thermostat adjusts as needed. This component tracks the time and day so that the thermostat shifts to different temperatures automatically. Most digital thermostats allow for 6 temperature changes in 24 hours.

Why Digital Thermostats Are Important

Homeowners can benefit from the programmable features of a digital thermostat. Set your thermostat to heat or cool your home in the morning and just before you arrive home from work. 

Thermostat repair service in Ashburn VA

Aside from convenience, digital thermostats offer energy efficiency as well. Heating and cooling constitute about 50% of energy costs. Reduce your heating and cooling costs by approximately 10% each year when you offset your home’s temperature by 5-10 degrees during daytime hours.

For energy efficiency in the winter, set your thermostat to 68-70 degrees in the morning and evening. During daytime hours, when your house is vacant, set your thermostat to 5-10 degrees lower.

In the summer, set your thermostat to 72 degrees in the morning and evening. During the day, set your thermostat to 5-10 degrees higher for energy efficiency.

R.A. Dobson: Reliable Thermostat Repair in Ashburn, VA

Turn to R.A. Dobson for your thermostat repair and installation needs in Ashburn, VA. At R.A. Dobson, we are proud to install Carrier thermostats for advanced heating and air conditioning control. We offer repair of old or damaged furnaces and air conditioning units, as well. It is our goal to provide quality service to keep your home and your heating and cooling systems in optimal condition. Contact us today at (703)481-3700 to see how we can serve your HVAC needs.