Plumbing Repair Ashburn VA

6 of the Most Common Plumbing Emergencies

Plumbing emergencies can ruin a homeowner’s, renter’s, or landlord’s day. Such difficulties impact everyone in a household and create an all-consuming source of stress. Nevertheless, you need not wait around hoping the issue will resolve itself. Expert plumbing repair services can resolve most plumbing emergencies in hours. Your property need not go without running water or basic necessities for days or weeks.

Homeowners in Ashburn, VA, can turn to R.A. Dobson for drain cleaning, faucet installation or repair, sewer line repair, sump pump installation or repair, and more plumbing-adjacent services. Indeed, our team has served Northern Virginia residents for over 45 years with home technology installations, maintenance, and repairs. Visit our website to see our available coupons and learn more about R.A. Dobson. To schedule an appointment, call (703) 481-3700.

Let’s explore some of the most common plumbing emergencies and how R.A. Dobson can assist with fixing them:

1. Clogged Drains

Faced with a clogged sink, many homeowners scrounge up a bottle of drain cleaner to fix the issue. After all, slow-draining sinks and bathtubs usually indicate the presence of a clog in the line. However, homeowners should avoid using such products if they can help it; at the least, they should use no more than the bottle’s directions instruct.

When they fail to clear an obstruction, the corrosive substances in drain cleaners will sit in the pipes and start to destroy them. Additionally, these substances harm the environment and—if consumed—people. Thus, let a plumber use their equipment to unclog sinks and tubs.

2. Leaky Pipes

Leaks are one of the most common plumbing problems homeowners experience, and it’s not uncommon for them to ignore minor leaks for some time before contacting a plumber. However, unaddressed leaks can lead to significant, long-term problems.

Some side effects of even minor are mold growth, high utility bills, and reduced water pressure. You should act on such common signs of plumbing emergencies without delay. Given enough time, a plumber can replace or fix leaking components without service disruption.

3. Clogged Toilets

Virtually everyone has faced a clogged toilet, but many fix such instances with some elbow grease and a plunger. Yet if a child drops an item into the toilet and flushes it or someone uses paper towels instead of toilet paper, a clog may form that no amount of plunging will fix.

Improper toilet paper may not only clog a toilet clog but also wear down and damage some mechanical parts over time. Contact an emergency repair by an expert plumber whether you face a clogged or malfunctioning toilet.

4. Burst Pipe

Most people think of a burst pipe when they imagine a plumbing emergency. Certainly, pipes crack during extreme winter weather, but the blame may also rest with old lines that can’t handle the water pressure any longer and break suddenly.

If a burst pipe causes an indoor flood, homeowners must contact their plumbing repair professional to mitigate the potential disaster. Water damage may result in catastrophic devastation to a building and cost several thousand dollars to repair.

5. Sewage Backup

The “nightmare scenario” plumbing emergency is a sewage backup where waste begins leaking into the home through a drain or toilet. Not only may a sewage backup damage the structure, but it may also create a dangerous health hazard for the homeowner and their family.

If you ever detect a sewage smell in your home and feel confident that all the toilets are flushed, call for plumbing repair. Your swift actions can fix the problem before it becomes a catastrophe.

6. Equipment Failures

Virtually everything in the average home requires replacement at one time or another. However, an ill-timed equipment failure may lead to an expensive plumbing emergency. Such instances include toilets that never stop running, garbage disposals that no longer run, and water fixtures that cease functioning.

Imagine that someone in the home accidentally clogs the toilet, then one of the components that regulate the flushing mechanisms breaks. Even though they may fix the clog with a plunger, the continuously running toilet can create a watery mess before anyone realizes the problem. Equipment failures might not lead to immediate plumbing emergencies, but they can undoubtedly represent a cause.

Professional Plumbing Repair Available Now in Ashburn, VA

Act on a minor plumbing problem before it becomes a major emergency. Minor issues that seem like they’ll pass may require significant repairs with a huge price tag when left unattended. Get expert plumbing repair or replacement from R.A. Dobson to help keep costs as low as possible. We serve Ashburn, VA, residents with numerous home services to keep everyone comfortable throughout the year. Call us today at (703) 481-3700 for help with plumbing and maintenance needs.

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