It’s no fun being cold, but the furnace installation and repair experts from RA Dobson of Sterling, Virginia will warm you up in no time and put a smile back on your face. We honor all manufacturer warranties on our heating systems and back them with a 1-year service warranty of our own. As a family owned business, we are sympathetic to the needs of Northern Virginia families and so we place pride in including many high-efficiency units in the heating options we offer our customers. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that all of our installations and repairs are performed by employees that have received manager level training from a company with four decades of experience. Call us today for a free estimate and a warmer, more efficient system.
58TN Infinity® 80 Gas Furnace

Southern climates with short, mild winters may not call for the highest degree of efficiency. As part of an Infinity communicating system, you can pair this model with a high-efficiency heat pump or air conditioner. It’s an outstanding choice for potentially boosting cooling system efficiency and improving summer dehumidification.
58SP Performance™ 80 Gas Furnace

Performance series furnaces offer that perfect balance between budget limits you may have today and your desire for a better comfort heating solution.
As an 80% furnace, this model is most suitable for areas with milder winters. You can pair it with a high-efficiency heat pump or air conditioner and gain a cooling efficiency boost from its variable-speed blower.
58SB Comfort™ 80 Gas Furnace

If you live in an area where short, mild winters are balanced with long, humid summers and budget is a primary concern in your decision process, this may be a furnace you’ll appreciate.
This furnace is built to last with solid performance backed by a 20-year heat exchanger limited warranty1 and the exceptional Carrier standard warranty.
Infinity® 98 Gas Furnace With Greenspeed™ Intelligence 59MN7

The Infinity® 98 furnace delivers precision comfort with Greenspeed™ intelligence. This is the most advanced Carrier® furnace ever made. Its unique design innovations achieve unprecedented efficiency and quiet.
Infinity® 96 Gas Furnace 59TN6

Backed by the intelligent Infinity control and a variable-speed blower, this furnace will run in low-stage up to 90% of the time. Longer, low-stage run times give you better energy efficiency, better temperature control and increased comfort. It also assures you quieter performance.
Comfort™ 92 Gas Furnace 59SC2

Solid performance is what you can expect from this reliable furnace. It comes with a 20-year heat exchanger limited warranty backed by Carrier quality manufacturing for years of heating comfort.

* Not to be combined with any other offer. Must be presented at time of service.
* Not to be combined with any other offer. Must be presented at time of service.
* Not to be combined with any other offer. Must be presented at time of service.